Thursday, December 16, 2010

Home Architecture Ideas: Architectural Salvage Design

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Architectural Salvage DesignArchitectural salvage materials are obtained from dismantled buildings. Those who like the recycled products and those who are more concerned about the ecological benefits such as using this technique. You can take advantage of some products such as wooden decorative antiques, ceramic tiles, wall panels, pieces of hardware and even doors and windows.

Architectural Salvage Design
Antique architectural salvage is very helpful when you find a product to your antique home. If you want to replace a door or window, you may not get the pieces fit when you go for the fresh. Especially the front door is very important because it is one that visitors see when you are approaching your home. Beautiful antique doors will be structurally sound and historically completed and will last for years to come. door knobs and hinges antique will go well with the door. Also doors for indoor use such as bathroom, bedroom and another room house can be seen in architectural salvage shops.
Architectural Salvage Design
If you want to use architectural salvage, you must contact the companies that do work to destroy. You can get the best value for your money to buy them. You can get beautiful windows for all types of homes. updated piece will actually make your home look authentic and keep cold out and heat in. Using old windows, doors, and decorative ornaments will give great performance for your home.
Architectural Salvage Design
With your creativity, you can use the rest of the architecture to give a new life in your own designs for interior decoration. It's great architectural treasures rather than dismantled, if separated without damage, can be used for renovation. The artisanship property is to be maintained. It is like keeping an old treasure and gold in the museum. Architecture is a piece of rescue items from the past and they are an integral part of the old buildings and dwellings. When they get into your house, they are really suitable for making your home look like them.
Architectural Salvage Design
When you consider the price to use, the old material was invaluable, you can find it surprisingly low because the pieces are preserved from demolition. You can create your own unique creations with the help save the architecture. Visit the online shop or offline and see a display of available products. You may find your dream piece of architecture among them who will bring new color into your home.

[1]Joanna Nathanson,

Monday, December 13, 2010

How to Hire Green Architect

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Green ArchitectLooking for someone with professional experience.

More than that, make sure that your architect has the willingness, time and vision that will help ensure a good relationship. Please note that as a designer, he will be one that is responsible for overseeing the construction of your home so you might as well just choose the best candidate.

Choose a LEED certified architect

While yes it is true that the field of eco-construction is still growing, more choice and more every year. Just remember to look for people who LEED accredited. LEED building certification system is an internationally recognized green. To find one, you can use your existing online databases such as the American Institute of Architects.

When evaluating options, be sure to ask for references.

If possible, visit the home before completion will be a good idea. Before meeting with your prospects, be sure to learn as much as possible about the various green building options. Do not hesitate to ask. Open communication between you and your architect is very important. Do not hesitate to ask what they plan to work.

Find out about your prospects network.

Due to the nature of work, the designer needs to consult with other professionals - landscape designers, energy specialists, interior designers and the like.

Maximize what you can offer architects.

One good thing about hiring a green architect is that he can help you find a green builder. Architect will work closely with the builder so it is important that both are in good relations with each other. Decided to create a green home is an excellent step to help save Mother Earth. To ensure that all goes well, do your part so you can give your new home care it deserves.

[1]Catherine Drucker,

Monday, December 6, 2010

Green Homes

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Green Homesgreen house is the house that are good for the planet. They use less energy, generate less waste, and a healthy environment for people inside. Green house out of philosophy into a more environmentally friendly to the environment. They save electricity, finding ways to reduce carbon-waste and energy consumption of the public. green home can put money into your pocket, and give you peace of mind you doing your bit to help preserve our planet.

Green Homes
Most of us will make the world a little "greener" by reducing energy consumption of our homes. There has been a technical improvement and building materials for several decades, which means that homes more energy efficient. Do you dream of home without the carbon emissions and use of zero-net-energy? This can be achieved with strategies that include alternative energy sources, and methods of fabrication and meticulous standards. We can deliver green energy to our homes without breaking the bank. There is a DIY home energy programs that cost thousands of dollars but there are also DIY Solar and wind turbine scheme which will only cost a few hundred dollars, and that can be implemented without great technical skills. You can achieve your goal of Zero Energy Home, and it's probably just a few steps away ...

Design: Green Residential Designer

When we think of home eco-friendly, or sustainable home, we might just have a picture of a place that looks strange? Too many panels and windmills on it, probably half-buried on the hill, or too high tech for our budget? What might have happened once but it is now possible to design a beautiful home, and will provide a degree of independence from both current and future water and increasing energy costs and shortages, there is evidence of concern about the environmental and design issues. There is information available from the government of which you can learn about green building design for energy conservation. Good standard of modern design easily integrate sustainable features such as rainwater collection, alternative resources, recycling gray water, solar hot water and water efficient landscaping.


In December 2006, Code for Sustainable Homes was introduced as a voluntary code in the UK and in May 2008 has become the national standard. He considered a key element of the design and construction that impact on sustainability and efficiency. It is used by architects, contractors and consumers alike in helping them plan and design a new home. New house code Awards star rating from 1 to 6, based on their performance against nine sustainability criteria that assess the overall environmental impact. This is a model green home building guidelines!

Building Regulations require at least one star. Six Stars reflect sustainability criteria exemplary sustainability.The where new houses were measured:

Energy and CO2 Emissions

H20 Water & Surface Water Run-off




Health and Welfare

Management of environmental impacts from construction and operation


The key is to achieve sustainability without compromising either design or quality. The code introduces minimum standards for energy and environmental factors that affect the sustainability of the house, and the rating takes into account elements of different sustainability. This includes energy, transportation, pollution, materials, land use and ecology and health and welfare. The British government has set a target industry providing zero-carbon homes by 2016.

The goal of a sustainable house is to provide tangible improvements in key areas such as emissions of carbon dioxide and water usage.


Carbon reduction high on the political agenda of all nations, but there is an obvious struggle for the government to make peace with the steps that must be taken to achieve the reduction goals that our best science tells us is necessary. Much can be achieved by action at the household level which can drastically reduce the magnitude of the task facing the government looked at the problem on a macro scale. Motivation for change that is needed is key, as in something big but we fought hard. 'Carrots' One in the budget for the household is a direct benefit from reduced energy bills is achieved by making an effort to reduce their own carbon pollution. In England, the London Green Homes offers a unique service free telephone advice service, website and paid-for green services to provide tailor-made package of carbon saving improvements free lifestyle. This service has great flexibility, offering advice London on various measures to reduce carbon emissions from changes in lifestyle, and explain how the best way to save money on energy bills. This is the first UK one-stop-shop for information on how to make homes more carbon efficient.


A U.S. survey showed that 87% of home buyers want to know how their homes rate in terms of environmental performance in order to make decisions when moving house. Furthermore, 84% would pay more on average 2% for environmentally friendly homes. Environmentally friendly home is no longer a luxury reserved only for the richest Americans. environmental concerns, dependence on foreign oil, water shortages, disappearing species, are all factors in increasing awareness calls for us to become a better servant of the earth and its resources.

In an environmentally conscious world, we hear more about green homes, living environmentally friendly and sustainable homes. Green homes are designed to save energy, use environmentally friendly and healthy materials and water conserver become standard. In addition to new building standards, there is a simple environmentally friendly, DIY project that will help reduce energy costs, and increase the value of your home.

Space is still the most important consideration for home buyers, but environmental considerations and the use of environmentally friendly materials is very high on the priority list. Architectural firms today are often committed to developing environmentally friendly component not creative space for the advancement of lifestyle and family in ways that support responsible management of environment and natural resources. Green living and building, with an emphasis on health, energy efficiency and environmental conservation, has never been more relevant than today. As time passes, there will be more attention given to advocacy for social justice and solutions to rebuild the environment-minded. Home-building impose environmental and social costs are very significant at all levels. Impact of new home construction include:

excavation to provide basic construction raw materials such as aggregate,

water consumption, and the widespread use of toxic

chemicals in building materials.


Green home can put money in your pocket, they do not need to be considered as an expensive way to do what is demanded of us for the environment. Sustainable home gives peace of mind of knowing that you do anything to help sustain the planet. Sustainable houses do not have to be not interesting anymore, and are not suitable for residential architecture. green home is better for the environment because they use less energy, less water, and has a lower impact on the environment.

[1] Richard Lodge,

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Home Arcitecture Trend: Toward Green Architecture

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Green ArchitectureOur planet is really feeling the heat of Global Warming. Humans are consuming resources like never before. A new coal power plants built in China EVERY WEEK!

This all suggests that the consumption of raw materials will continue to rise. And did not appear to be sustainable. We lose fast natural resources, and if nothing is done to stop this drain, we will hit hard. We have seen the effects of Global Warming, such as the El Nino effect. This tornado storm and continued to increase in intensity and frequency of every year.

Can improve the energy-wasting buildings prevent global instability? Former president Bill Clinton thinks so. In the biggest project his foundation has since secured the supply of cheap generic AIDS drugs to third world countries, Clinton has brokered a $ 5 billion effort to finance the retrofit old buildings in 16 cities around the world.

The project, which Clinton announced at a climate conference in Manhattan yesterday, making financing and labor pool to replace the lamp energy monopoly, as well as install better building insulation and more efficient HVAC system. ABN Amro, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, and UBS will offer loans, which landlords will reply with the savings gained on their electricity bill. Johnson Controls, Honeywell, Siemens and Trane will manage and audit the work while the three trade associations, including the U.S. Green Building Council, will train minority contractors and "long-term unemployed" laborers in construction engineering. "This will create a system to facilitate building owners to make improvements," said Clinton.

Sounds a bit like the former vice president Al Gore's environmental teacher, Clinton added that cities emit three-quarters of the world's greenhouse gases and that buildings account for between 50 and 80 percent of this toll. The first program wave of cities-Bangkok, Berlin, Chicago, Houston, Johannesburg, Karachi, London, Melbourne, Mexico City, Mumbai, New York, Rome, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Tokyo and Toronto, will begin with the strengthening of public-owned buildings. Supporters are keeping the program open to private landlords and landowners, from Clinton's office in Harlem, Cogswell Realty, has been signed. Clinton Foundation also will team with the C40 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group, a coalition of mayors and business, to promote the program and spread to other cities.

Ever optimistic, Clinton promised the program will reduce the bill and create good jobs everywhere it goes-including here at home in the U.S. "Much of the material needed to be made in this country," he said, "and with all respect to the mayor of Mumbai, you can not outsource the greening roofs.

[1] John Simon,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What is Green Architecture ?

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Green ArchitectureAs we continue to find ourselves in situations where natural resources are increasingly depleted at faster rates, it becomes important that we consider the choice of many to bring ourselves closer to the environment, and use of resources, non-depleting environmentally friendly as possible.

Green ArchitectureTake the case of fossil fuels, they are both thin as well as non-friendly environment, with resultant harmful emissions into their consumption. In such a scenario, the use of solar energy and wind energy can become an excellent alternative.

Green ArchitectureWhile the use of alternative energy sources such as those being explored in a variety of situations, real estate is one area the same as they in fact can be used effectively. In addition to obvious benefits for the environment, long-term cost savings are also different. In this article, we see several ways in which you can incorporate green architecture initiatives into your construction.

Use of LED and CFL Lights

Green ArchitectureLED and CFL lighting is a great way to conserve energy; their intuitive, embedded technology enables significantly reduced power consumption for their use. This result is not only more efficient in the use of power resources, also paved the way for major energy savings. Therefore, make sure you consider the option of using a light emitting device as mentioned above, for your construction.

Use of Solar Panels

Solar energy is one of the main energy source that will not go anywhere, anytime soon (or so it seems!). So maximizing the use of solar energy in construction real estate is quite reasonable. Relatively high initial cost of solar panels are what makes the majority of Realtors is far from considering the use of solar panels because it is the overall implementation of solar energy in buildings. However, we must look at long-term implications that such initiatives will have, especially the big cost savings.

Waste Management

Waste management is one area where green initiatives can be implemented effectively. Segregation of waste at an early stage can save much effort later, to waste disposal entities. In addition, if implemented effectively, you really can recycle a lot of waste that you produce yourself, and use it for your own purposes. Already, many homeowners across the country using biodegradable waste they produce, as fertilizer for their gardens themselves.

Thus, because you can see clearly, green initiatives that can be retrieved in real estate a lot. In the end, common sense coupled with a drive from within to implement these initiatives and make a difference to the environment will be a major factor in ensuring that these steps see the light of day.

[1] Christine Hancock,